
Yoga style: Anusara Yoga

Anusara Yoga is a very modern yoga style from the USA. Precise alignment in the asanas is combined with spiritual principles as well as a positive philosophy of life and opening the heart.

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Short description of Anusara Yoga

Anusara Yoga is based on the tradition of Hatha Yoga and focuses on precise execution of physical exercises (asanas) . This style of yoga is primarily about promoting the ability to concentrate while strengthening the body and mind. The focus is on feeling the attitudes from within, opening the heart , feeling inner joy and connecting with the divine. The practice, similar to classic Hatha Yoga, is supplemented by some breathing exercises (pranayamas) in order to find more calm and mindfulness.

Origin and Meaning of Anusara Yoga

The word Anusara comes from Sanskrit and means " flowing with grace" . But it is also often translated as “following the heart.” The latter describes very well the already introduced philosophy of opening the heart , which is a characteristic feature of this style of yoga. The still relatively young style of yoga only became popular in the USA at the end of the 1990s thanks to John Fried . John Fried was previously a long-time student and later teacher of Iyengar practice. His ultimate goal was to bring more heart and feeling to the exact direction of the Hatha Yoga school by adding a connection to inner feeling to the yoga practice.

Target group Anusara Yoga (suitable for)

Beginners, people with different fitness levels, people who spend a lot of time at a desk

Because of the slow and precise execution of the exercises, Anusara Yoga is particularly suitable for entry into the world of yoga . A little more general, this style of yoga takes into account the requirements of the body in the 21st century. When you sit for long periods of time and do little exercise, the human body continually loses flexibility. Therefore, Anusara Yoga combines traditional Hatha Yoga postures with principles of modern bio-mechanics while maintaining the original spiritual objectives of Hatha Yoga.

Exemplary exercise series Anusara Yoga

Example asanas of this yoga style include the cobra , various warrior poses and forward bends . What a very specific series of exercises could look like is shown below.

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